Friday, March 4, 2016

Dogs and Laws

I've recently been thinking about laws regarding animals. Specifically, what can happen to an animal that bit someone. 
My sister from another mister, who is from Mexico and who I won't name due to internet privacy, was shocked to hear how strict punishments for a dog bite can be here. I was explaining what would happen if one of our dogs were to do such a thing--lawsuits, putting down the animal, etc.--to explain why my family was so horrified that our puppy had burrowed under our fence and gotten into the neighbors yard. Nothing happened, but the little animal is going through a rough play phase where he bites and scratches in the name of fun. My friend said that she would expect us to pay for the bandages and any necessary medical treatments, if there were any, and that would be that.
I don't know how each individual country deals with violent animals. I just know about the US, so that's what I'll talk about. Here, if a dog bites someone, the owners can be sued and the dog can be put down with a quick finger snap. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. The only investigation would be as to which dog did the deed, not whether it was provoked.
This is significant because a kid could throw things at a dog, hit it, and call it names, but that would not matter in the slightest. The dog could have felt threatened, been defending itself, but because it's an animal the jury would rule against it. In the attempt to get rid of dangerous volatile animals, the judicial system has destroyed hope for innocents.
Now, I'm not an extreme animal rights nut. I'm not completely against animal testing (though I do think it should be far more strictly regulated) and I eat meat frequently. However, there are some things that just seem cruel. Animals are living creatures, and that will always warrant some degree of respect. I understand that it's very difficult to determine whether a dog, who can't verbally communicate with humans, is guilty. I just think that there has to be a better way to deal with the problem.
Look at these guys. They aren't vicious attack dogs, I promise. If the littler one was nipping at someone's hand, trying to goad them into playing, would he deserve death? I don't think so.

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